Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Koda's Luxating Patella

About a month ago, Koda started limping and according to the doctor, Koda has a luxating patella. Basically this means that his kneecap moves in and out of place causing him to limp. From what I’ve read, this seems to be a genetic and is nothing that I caused.

This is something that happens occasionally and only when he is really active. Koda even wanted to play so bad that he 3 legged it back to me while playing fetch, I felt so bad for him, I just couldn’t keep playing.

The doctor says that we must have surgery as soon as possible because if we don’t, Koda could potentially develop arthritis or stiffness in his knee. Each time his kneecap comes out of its place, it wears away and causes the problem to get worse. According to the doctor, the without surgery, within 3 to 5 years, Koda might not be able to be active due to the stiffness. So to me, this is something that can’t wait and we need to address. I feel bad for Koda because I can’t tell him what is coming or why we are giving him surgery. But it is all for the better, even if it costs me an arm and a leg :-(

Koda will probably have surgery within the month, I’ll post photos of the surgery and update on the post op. Keep your fingers crossed that it goes ok and fixes the problem!!!!!

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