Saturday, May 23, 2009

On the road again

Koda has had a pretty exciting weekend so far and it's still not over.

First, the wife and I drove to Huntsville on Thursday night. I dropped
her off and continued to Opelika on Friday morning for my brothers
graduation while Lindsey stayed to see Kala graduate in Huntsville.

Then on Saturday morning, Koda and I left Opelika and made our way to
the In Laws river house on the Elk River in North Alabama. This is
Koda's first visit to the river, so it should be pretty eventful. All
of Lindsey's family will get to meet Koda on Memorial Day. We hope to
get Koda swimming in the river, but the weather is not cooperating.
It has rained for the past few days, which is messing up my

Well, all in all, Koda has handled the traveling 4 hours from
Huntsville to Opelika well and we are excited about having fun with
Koda at the river this summer.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


This is a stop motion slideshow of photos taken at our wedding which was in Huntsville, AL
The music is HelloGoodBye and the photos were taken by Josh Reeder (

This was pretty simple to make, expect for the fact that I had to sort through 2,000 photos to create this. I got this idea from a friend who was looking at my wedding photos and was scrolling through them so fast that it looked like a movie.

Playing Fetch with Koda

Playing a little fetch with Koda while it is nice outside.

Koda After a Run

We went on a 2.5 mile run and Koda is pretty tired.
Well I didn't run I skated, work smarter not harder. :-)